Auto Fill

by Nexela

Autofill inserts items (ammo,fuel,etc) inside entities when placing them in the world.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

b Yuoki fuel priority fix

6 years ago

With Yuoki mods enabled, placing a blueprint with furnaces will set them to request fuel cells from yuoki's mods, even if player has no yuoki fuel cells available, this results in furnaces placed not receiving fuel from bots (removing yuoki results in them getting coal if available, or wood if no coal is in player's inventory), but with yuoki installed, it doesn't function right.

not sure what bit of code from AutoFill or Yuoki's mods is causing this behaviour, but i thought i'd let ya know. if furnaces are placed by hand, they of course get fuel (usually coal) as normal....this interaction only seems to occur from placing down blueprints.

6 years ago

the biggest issue with this is the logistic request then blinks until the player progresses through yuoki, or mines the furnaces and replaces them by hand (defeating the purpose of, say, nanobots having placed them down in the first place.)

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