Auto Fill

by Nexela

Autofill inserts items (ammo,fuel,etc) inside entities when placing them in the world.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g help please

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

How did you add wood and coal as a fuel for the furnance.
When i do ctrl+f i got : no rocket fuel!

7 years ago

I had the same problem start immediately after my first time playing around in sandbox mode for a little bit

7 years ago

Same here :( any solutions?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Yes in the settings folder inside the mod - look for a file called "vanilla-sets.lua"

The values for some weird reason for boilers, furnaces etc. are all set to "fuels-high" change this to "fuels-all"
IMHO the only values that should be fuel-high are devices that get benefit from higher value fuels such as locomotives, tanks, cars.

7 years ago

OK, I'm having a similar problem with turrets. Place a turret and it wants uranium rounds! I haven't even research AP yet!

7 years ago

This is only a display bug, If you don't have any ammo that is assigned to go into an entity it will list the highest rated type when it says no xxx ammo/fuel.

Additionaly some machines do not have wood on the list of allowed fuels

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

New player here,
Tried using this mod and it's still saying "No rocket fuel" when trying to build new or refuel an old stone burner. Tried changing "fuels-high" to "fuels-all" values in "vanilla-sets.lua" as described above but with no luck. Please let me know how can I fix this. Sounds like a great mod that I would love to use. Thank you!))

Edit: After a while, I figured my original problem out. I only had coal on my quick access bar but not in the inventory so it could not find any. Once I had extra in the inventory it began to work just fine.

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