Would love to have a way to "BAN" research so it NEVER gets researched ever again automatically.
Example: https://gyazo.com/1321552d62bc4934cd38e1423b4fdf95
The image shows that even though I tried to "Ban" Toolbelt, it STILL researched the living heck out of it in the end once I unchecked "Only research prioritized"
Adding more research to the list, defeats the point of having the mod in the first place -- namely AUTOMATION.
Once you uncheck the darn option the mod does as i wanted for such a mod, but since i can't ban Toolbelt, it's a rather useless mod at the same time...
Prioritizing research a few or a ton at the time quickly crowd up the GUI.
And for what ever reason, does not make a scroll bar appear, and thus the darn thing "floats" out of the screen.