Auto Research

by canidae

Automates research. Toggle GUI with Shift+T (customizable).

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Crashing When Finishing Research

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

EDIT #1: Tried disabling all other mods; still crashed.

EDIT #2: Solved: Auto Research crashed when it completed Electronics when I had "Announce completed research" turned on. I turned it off and it works fine even with all other mods installed.

Auto Research is crashing the game when it completes a research. I think it's because it's trying to start a research illegally or is looking for a research that doesn't exist (modded). Here's a list of the mods i'm running:

Factorio 0.14.20
Arumba Lights
Auto Research
Crafting Speed Research
Item Count
Larger Inventory
Long Reach
Tree Collision
Upgrade Builder and Planner
Yet Another Resource Monitor Fork
Radarplus for RSO

Error Message:
Error while running event on_research_finished (ID 18)
LuaForce doesn't contain key print.
stack traceback:
auto-research/control.lua:215: in function <auto-research/control.lua:197>

8 years ago

Which version of factorio are you using?
Seems like it is an older version, the error message complains about a missing function which was added some versions ago.

8 years ago

I was using 0.14.20. I've since updated to the latest 0.14. It's been working great since updating, although I haven't re-enabled Announce Completed Research until now.

8 years ago

I don't think you were using 0.14.20, as the latest version released at this time is 0.14.19 :)

New response