Auto Research

by canidae

Automates research. Toggle GUI with Shift+T (customizable).

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Filter by science packs

8 years ago

would it be possible to set a filter so that i only see things that need red or ted & Blue etc?

That would be very convinient. Cause now if i accidentaly prioritize something that needs blue when i not have blue yet its is stuck trying to research that thing.

Thanks and great mod so far

8 years ago

Currently I'm reluctant to implement something like this, because that's really what the "Fewest ingredients first" setting is for. Keep it checked until your labs receive all kinds of science packs and then disable it.
I might add images of the ingredients for a research in the search result list to reduce the chance of accidentally prioritizing something you're not quite ready to research yet, but I'm not too keen on adding filters like in Research Queue.

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