Auto Research

by canidae

Automates research. Toggle GUI with Shift+T (customizable).

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Great idea!

8 years ago

I just made a "similar" mod, for handcrafting instead of research. And we uploaded our mods almost at the same time, I was 2 minutes later. I'm going to try your mod later (with research savr mod) and if it works as expected I'll link to your mod from my mods portal forum.

8 years ago

I'll check out your mod too, nifty idea :)

I'm mostly a casual player myself and once I automate science and pretty much got what I need i just tend to queue up loads of stuff in the Research Queue mod. Figured I might as well just have a mod that automatically research low hanging fruit.

8 years ago

Recommended Xterminator to feature our mods in a double mod spotlight special.

Sounds like we get an episode next Wednesday.

8 years ago

I love this mod, so much.

8 years ago

Qon: That's great news! I didn't know of that YouTuber either, but it seems like his channel is a good way to discover new mods.

mooklepticon: I'm happy to hear that :)

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

omfg i cant beliave how usefull this iswith time tools. i got up to get food and came back and all research was done.... lol saved me alot of time and clicking

8 years ago

Our spotlight:

And I did comment to tell him that I didn't make AR.

8 years ago

Thought I'd let you know: I mentioned HandyHands and Auto Research to Arumba. He didn't mention Auto Research in his latest video, but Handy Hands got a fair bit of coverage

Well in Ep 19 they use AR and say they prefer it to research queue at about 13 minutes in:


8 years ago

Of course they discovered a bug (that only happens after installing the mod for the first time and then load a saved game), the one where Research Queue pops up each time they're done researching. I've semi-fixed it in 0.5.0 (well, not really, but it should solve their problem at least), but I'll have to fix this properly when I get the time.

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