Atti's Bonus Tech

This mod is in beta testing!!! Beneficial bonuses for the player. You can enable/disable everything, set the percentage of increase or you can enable a flat bonus, thus disabling the research. Includes 19 bonuses in total(crafting, mining, reach, lab speed&productivity, ammo speed&damage, inventory size, reach distance, etc). More will be added in the future.

5 years ago

i Create a suffix for internal tech names

4 years ago

Right now, its impossible to detect and filter out your tech's in case of need...
Space Exploration adds a special imgredient to all techs about level 5 and even if he wanted to prevent this, there is no way for other devs to detect that running1-5 comes from your mod and should be ignored...

Adding a preffix to the techs, like... Atti-running1-5 would allow the other devs to find your techs and ignore them.

Also, do not forget the need of a migration script so players with the old tech name get the "new" tech researched.

New response