Atlas' angelOreus modpack

An experimental modpack combining angel's and bob's mods with danger ores.

Mod packs
2 years ago
This mod 48 From other mods 10
Dependency types:
Default 48 Required 42 Conflict 1 Optional 5 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 9.03M
AfraidOfTheDark >= 1.1.1 169K
aLittleLessDangOreus >= 1.5.24 273
angelsaddons-cab = 0.2.8 77.0K
angelsaddons-mobility = 0.0.10 88.7K
angelsaddons-newlocales = 0.3.19 25.1K
angelsaddons-nilaus = 0.3.12 13.8K
angelsaddons-shred = 0.2.8 12.3K
angelsaddons-storage = 0.0.9 167K
angelsbioprocessing = 0.7.22 176K
angelsindustries = 0.4.16 102K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
angelspetrochem = 0.9.22 197K
angelsrefining = 0.12.2 201K
angelssmelting = 0.6.19 193K
AutoDeconstruct >= 0.3.3 265K
base >= 1.1.0 -
big-data-string >= 1.0.1 45.0K
BigLightElectricMiningDrill >= 1.1.0 1.02K
BlackMarket2-Deadlock = 2.1.0 1.47K
bobassembly = 1.1.5 257K
bobclasses >= 1.1.5 93.1K
bobelectronics = 1.1.5 240K
bobequipment = 1.1.5 223K
bobgreenhouse = 1.1.0 171K
bobinserters = 1.1.5 328K
boblibrary = 1.1.5 389K
boblocale = 1.1.5 76.6K
boblogistics = 1.1.5 288K
bobmining = 1.1.3 252K
bobmodules = 1.1.5 231K
bobores = 1.1.5 253K
bobplates = 1.1.5 251K
bobpower = 1.1.5 261K
bobrevamp = 1.1.5 215K
bobtech = 1.1.5 230K
bobvehicleequipment = 1.1.5 180K
bobwarfare = 1.1.5 258K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders = 2.4.2 97.4K
even-distribution >= 1.0.10 368K
extended-descriptions >= 1.0.17 74.2K
far-reach >= 1.1.2 172K
flib = 0.10.1 783K
Flow Control >= 3.1.3 181K
FNEI >= 0.4.1 297K
LogisticTrainNetwork >= 1.16.10 248K
LtnManager >= 0.4.12 100K
Squeak Through >= 1.8.2 462K
Todo-List >= 19.2.0 213K
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v0.0.4)