Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam (forked)

by ldinc

This mod revisits the early game of Factorio and pushes the electrification a bit further back by extending the Burner-Stage and inserting a new stage: Steam-Stage (buildings will be powered by steam).

8 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [Backlog] Improved Compatibilty Patches

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


throughout the gameplay with mods and their respective compatibility patches enabled, I noticed some minor inconveniences to some recipes and the technology tree.

The first one is with Bob's Logistics mod (which is actually a major one).
With this enabled, the burner long inserter is no longer needed, because the mentioned mod has a menu for inserter ranges, so the burner long inserter recipe gets disabled and hidden.
The major inconveniences is found in the fast inserter recipe ("long-handed-inserter"), which strangly requires a burner long inserter ("apm_burner_long_inserter"). This would essentially lock out the player from ever having upgraded normal inserters, because you always need the previous normal inserter. I guess rather than a burner long inserter, it should be a regular inserter ("inserter") in this case.
For comparison, the fast filter inserter recipe ("red-filter-inserter") is fine, because it needs the normal filter inserter ("yellow-filter-inserter"), which is crafted from the normal inserter ("inserter").

The second one is with Bob's Warfare mod, which has some tech tree inconveniences..
There is an empty technology called Radars 1 ("radars-1"), which doesn't unlock anything, but it isn't a dead end.
Because the following researchable technology Radars 2 ("radars-2") unlocks an upgraded radar, which requires the regular radar for crafting, I think the regular radar recipe ("radar") should be removed from Military 2 technology ("military-2") and added to the Radars 1 tech ("radars-1").

The third one is with AAI Industry, which has some tech tree inconveniences aswell.
Starting with the Stack inserter technology ("stack-inserter"), it adds a seperate technology, which is called Stack filter inserter ("stack-filter-inserter"), which unlocks the express stack filter inserter recipe ("stack-filter-inserter") without needing the chemical science pack, which then leads to a dead end. With AAI Industry disabled, the recipe would be locked behind the Stack inserter 2 technology ("stack-inserter-2"), which is expected and in my opinion should stay that way, when AAI Industry is enabled.
It also adds a radar technology ("radar"), which requires Electronics to be researched, although it doesn't unlock anything and leading to a dead end. Unless I am missing something, I think this radar tech should be removed.

The next one is Angel's Bioprocessing, which just has one tech tree inconvenience.
The Basic algae processing technology ("bio-processing-brown") is available for research at the start, but requires automation packs, which the player doesn't have access currently. I guess moving it behind the Automation science packs technology ("apm_power_automation_science_pack") should make sense.

The last one is a combination of Angel's Petrochemical Processing and Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates mod, which has an early game inconvenience regarding storage tanks.
Without the mods, the storage tank recipe ("storage-tank") would require 20 iron plates and 20 stone bricks. The recipe is locked behind the Stone bricks technology ("apm_stone_bricks"), which is fairly early game and hence easy to aquire.
With enabling the mentioned bob mod, the storage tank recipe also requires a Small inline storage tank ("bob-small-inline-storage-tank"), which is essentially an inferior version of the storage tank and hence only needs some iron plates and some rubber. The problem arises when looking at the required technology Electrolysis 1 ("electrolysis-1") to unlock the recipe, which not only requires automation packs, but also is only available after a long reasearch queue involving electricity and electronics, which takes a long time to get the resources for, making fluid storage impossible at the start of the game and having an ordeal with fluid outputting recipes.
Enabling the mentioned angel's mod just moves the small storage tanks to the angel's version of Fluid control ("angels-fluid-control"), which doesn't fix the early game problem.
Here is my suggestion: Because of the small storage tanks being inferior variants of the normal storage tank regarding costs and storage capacity, and their relative cheap acquirable costs being rubber and iron, paired with being required in the crafting recipe of the normal storage tank, I think it would make sense to move both the Small storage tank ("bob-small-storage-tank") and Small inline storage tank ("bob-small-inline-storage-tank") to the Water supply 1 technology ("apm_water_supply-1"), because:

  • With this technology you unlock the iron pipes aswell, which are needed for crafting both small storage tanks
  • The Water supply 1 technology requires Rubber 1 to be researched, which is also needed for crafting
  • Stone bricks technology, which unlocks the normal storage tank, requires the Press technology to be researched, which also requires Water supply 1 technology to be researched, which means they are in the same tree, forming a kind of an upgrade path

The wall of text I wrote looks awful and I don't know how to format it to be appeasing to be read. Sorry in advance for that.
If I find anything more, I will post it here in this thread aswell. Thank you for your work so far.
Have a nice day!

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