Amator Phasma's Coal & Steam (forked)

by ldinc

This mod revisits the early game of Factorio and pushes the electrification a bit further back by extending the Burner-Stage and inserting a new stage: Steam-Stage (buildings will be powered by steam). 'Love and fame for the burner inserter!' The production lines of this mod focus on fuel production, but it also comes with a few new intermediates and a new science package. It does not change the standard Techtree too much, the majority of the related tech for this mod comes before the vanilla techtree even begins. The vanilla techtree and most of the other mods content are locked behind a new technology called 'Electrification' which can be called the goal of this modification.

6 months ago

g Weird interaction between efficiency mods and filters

3 years ago

Efficiency mods and filters stack in terms of how much they limit pollution. For example, a tier 3 assembly machine produces 0.4/m pollution with 4 efficiency 1 modules or with 4 filter 3s, but if you mix 3 efficiency mods and 1 filter, you can get 0.31/m

3 years ago

interesting mech =) always play without it
should think in original it seems like ok, idk)

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