Amator Phasma's Energy (forked Addon)

by ldinc

This is a small mod that adds electric cars and tanks (thats needs batteries) and a charging station. Vanilla and Bob's batteries have now a fuel value, if these are depleted you can recharge them at a charging station.

22 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Incompatible with Artisanal Reskins

3 years ago

I get the following error with Artisanal Reskins: Bob’s Mods and Bob’s Warfare:
Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype “apm_electric_tank” (car): Key “icon” not found in property tree at[0]
Modifications: Amator Phasma’s Energy (forked Addon)

2 years ago

i got the same error >

New response