Angel's Triggers - PetroChem - Disable Acid Override deprecated

This mods acts as a switch by toggling it on/off and disables the override for acids in refining (adding different acids to the leaching step) when toggled on

8 years ago

g Very confused about description

7 years ago

I'm very confused by this mod's description. What does it even do? It says that having it enabled disables the override for all of the acids in the leaching phase, but that's a double negative, which means that it should not override anything. But then the parentheses about adding acids is contained within a negative, which means that different acids are added normally, so this returns them to normal?

I even did an advanced search for "acid override" in the Angel's forum and its archive, and couldn't find anything useful. This mod entry additionally redirects to a thread that doesn't even mention this mod.

Can anybody tell me what this mod actually does?

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