Angel's Infinite Ores

Adds infinite ores for the base game, Bobmods, Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power, Nucular, Dark Matter Replicators and the base ores for AngelsRefining. Best used with RSO mod to have infinite ores in the core of regular resource patches. Has config options to change the yield for all infinite resources including oil

4 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b One Bug

7 years ago

I encounter a problem when i use your mods together with bob mods and rso. when i generate a map rso tells me, that the water and the lithia water from bob mod can't be generated. everything works nicely when i don't use your mods. but your mods are just too nice.

7 years ago

Yeah I encountered that bug, will fix it tomorrow. Basically RSO wont load any of the bob configs if my mod is present, because I do remove all the other resources from bobs. You can fix it at the moment by disabling the water resources in bobs config.