Angel's Addons - Locales

by sore68

Adds translations for Angel's mods from the Community.(locales list : ko, pl, de, zh-CN, ru, )

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.15

i Other languages - Polish

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Hey, are you planning to add other languages into this mod? Because i have alot of free time so i can help to translate it to polish.
At least i can try ^^

trying to figure out how github works ^^

8 years ago

Of course it is possible!
I need your help. :D

I can not give advice because I'm handling github for the first time.

If you can not handle github,
Please translate the file in -> locale -> en -> **.cfg
and upload it by angels forum (
Maybe I'll apply it quickly. :)

Thank you! :D

8 years ago

Well, i made fork of it and uploaded early translation of Bio Processing... there are some items that are hard to translate but it's doable. :)

also, why in your pack translation for PCP is called addon-pcp. does it mater somehow?

8 years ago
PCP is another user's mod. So I modified name a bit.
The name of the translation file is not important. :)

Thank you for your help! :D

8 years ago

Petrohell will be hard ._.

8 years ago

petrochem and ore-refining are twin demon... Take your time!

Google search was very helpful when I translated Korean.
And if you use Notepad++, ctrl+h will be a very powerful tool.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Refining is already done :)

Also made "pull request"... dunno how it works but i did it ^^

8 years ago

I think correctly applied. Thank you :D

8 years ago

i'm sorry for being inactive. I'm a little busy. Going to be back at saturday or sunday

Petrohell.. i'm coming!!!

also i seen Angel released new mods... MOAR TRANSLATING :D

8 years ago

Slow down~ :D

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I'm from Poland, I play PL version. With angelsaddons-locales_0.1.16 I'm getting a message ( and CTD, everything else is fine. Am I doing something wrong?
Some details: i5 3,7 Mhz, 16 GB RAM, nVidia 960, SSD, Win 64-bit, Steam version Factorio 0,14.
PS. Sorry for my poor english, it is not my native language...

7 years ago

Thanks for a quick response, but sadly - the same err ( Check this, please, before reupload.

7 years ago

Hi mniecio
So sorry that's problem.
I test only angel / with bob in polish.
But I did not get the problem.

If the problem persists, delete [data-final-fixes.lua]
So sorry.

7 years ago

sore68 > thanks, now (after delete data-final-fixes.lua) is OK.

7 years ago

I'll make new translations after exams... current ones are outdated or have errors

New response