Andrew's Library deprecated

Adds new items to the game. They are used by many of my mods, and can easily be used by other mods too.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

b Game crash

7 years ago

Hello my game crashed since the last update.

While the Game is loading it stops at 3% by loading your library mod.

Need help.

7 years ago

broken for me as well.

7 years ago

fix error message in Version 0.14.17.

thank you let me know.

7 years ago

Hello, my game crashed. While the game is loading it showed Recursive Technology Prerequisites Detected. I removed this mod and the game runs fine. Is there any solution to this? Because your mod is great and I don't want to play without it.

7 years ago

It works very well now when i use latest version of your plants and ore mods. Thank you for your work

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

lzwangf can you give me a link to Recursive Technology Prerequisites

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