Air filtering

by Schorty

Adding machines to reduce pollution

5 days ago
0.13 - 2.0

g 1.1.x

4 years ago

was able to load your mod in 1.0 version of the game, but now when i downloaded the 1.1.4 version
the mod is no longer compatible
Can you please make this mod viable for 1.1 ?
thank you

4 years ago

If you want to change it yourself, this one seems to just need the Factorio Version in the mod's info.json to be changed to 1.1. It will at least get saved games working and for me it seems to actually work too.

3 years ago

I guess we just need to wait for the mod owner to change it. Yes, the change is trivial to do. Still let him take time to change it for all of us.

3 years ago

i have make a quickfix

With changlog files, fr localisation, and some images on description

New response