Air filtering

by Schorty

Adding machines to reduce pollution

2 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Filtering still interrupted when loading game

3 years ago

As already posted by TakingItCasual some 3 years ago, active filtering machines will stop filtering when loading a savegame. Only if a new filter is inserted will they finish using the one that was in the machine when the game was saved. In always-on-setups with multiple filters available to a machine, this will cause no problems, but if you use the machines with only one filter each (in my case to be controlled by a pollution sensor, to do one cycle whenever a certain pollution threshold is reached), one has to manually add/remove one additional filter to each machine that was active when last saving the game. For large factories this a terrible pain... Maybe this could be fixed? Would be a shame if not, i really like your mod otherwise!

check out this blueprint to know what i mean (requires


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