Advanced Logistics System Fork

by l1ng0

Extended Logistics Network View and Monitoring

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g How to access it?

4 years ago

So how do you open and access the panel that is shown in the screenshot when in-game?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Did you figure it out? If not, there should be a button on the top left of the screen. It is a smaller square, dark grey with a green icon on it. At least it is for me right now. (I noticed the layout in that area of the screen seems to have been updated in new games, but it isn't migrating old saves...that location is from an old save.)

If you need it to work with v1.1 too it seems to be a simple version bump in the mod's info.json file, but I haven't tested/used all the functions yet.

4 years ago

I cant see it

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

The button? You're looking for this...

I just made this on a new game with v1.1. It is in a slightly different spot on the save file I started in v0.18, and of course if you have different mods loaded it could be different, but the general location should be the same.

3 years ago

Possibly you have not researched the relevant technology?

3 years ago

To access, first research relevant technology, then press <kbd>N</kbd> (default key, you can change in settings)

3 years ago

To access, first research relevant technology, then press N (default key, you can change in settings)

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