Additional Vanilla Menu Simulations

by Kuraron

More menu simulations. Some are wacky, others may spoil things - be warned.

8 months ago

g Feature suggestion

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Hello Kuraron
I made a small mod regarding the main menu simulations. It allows the player to select which simulations to play and which not. I made the mod for the vanilla simulations and for the SE simulations. Now that I removed the individual simulations I don't really like, I started downloading other modded simulations like Teddy's Menu Simulations or your mod.
I really like your simulations but I wanted to propose to you that you integrate my mod into yours. It kinda feels dumb to make a new mod for every simulations mod. You can copy my code but I'd be happy to help you with the integration of the code.
Regards Teddy

Ps: yes, i know this is really not all that important of an feature but i for my part just enjoy coding.

8 months ago

Hi Teddy,
thank you for the feedback and suggestion. I've pondered about adding settings before and I've now added a setting for each simulation with the 0.2.0 release.

Regards Kuraron

8 months ago

Cool thanks a lot :)

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