Additional Paste Settings deprecated

by SHiRKiT

Adds additional paste settings for the game, such as merging/combining requests from chests, setting a request multiplier and allow pasting into inserters to set a condition on them.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Error on copy from Assembler to Constant Combinator

3 years ago

Hello I'm experiencing an error when copying from assembler to constant combinator. It's similar to the one that was fixed in 0.10 previously. I can copy now without an error but I can no longer save the game after I copy the item. I receive the following error.

Cannot save map: The mod Additional Paste Settings (0.10.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event additional-paste-settings::on_save()
LuaCustomTable cannot be serialized.

3 years ago

So I got this too today and I narrowed it down to copying a recipe that contains liquid.

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