Adamo Catalog

by ElAdamo

Classy sorting.

22 days ago
This mod 81 From other mods 2
Dependency types:
Default 81 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 80 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 3.71M
base >= 2.0 -
space-age -
aai-vehicles-hauler 147K
adamo-blimp 66
adamo-calibration 53
adamo-carbon 244
adamo-chemical 19
adamo-clicker 10
adamo-clusterio 9
adamo-companions 13
adamo-equipment 293
adamo-nuclear 25
adamo-physics 134
adamo-plumbing 101
adamo-spacesuit 74
auto-research 55.8K
AutoDeconstruct 295K
big-wooden-pole 434
bobinserters 350K
BottleneckLite 164K
burner-chopper (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
burner-still 74
compaktcircuit 9.42K
Constructron-Continued 36.0K
concrete-lamppost (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
concrete-mixer (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
Dectorio 76.1K
DiscoScience 233K
dredgeworks 6.31K
electric-boiler (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
even-distribution 422K
Evolution Reduction 4.29K
extinguisher 1.44K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 84.7K
FARL 47.7K
Flammable_Oils 20
Flare_Stack_Redux 1.26K
Fluid-level-indicator 57.3K
fluid_permutations 17.7K
folk-logistic-wagon 418
Fracking 472
gas-boiler 872
gas-furnace 865
gas-generator 614
GhostWarnings 15.9K
handcrafted 1.02K
heat-furnace 426
heat-processing 536
Honk 99.7K
implant_camera 7.27K
infinitycorpeslive 2.64K
ItemFinder 1.11K
loader-modernized (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
M-Dirigible 2.28K
manual-inventory-sort 31.5K
mfga-alchemy (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
mfga-bees (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
mfga-stack-furnace (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
mining-patch-planner 108K
ModuleInserter 140K
nixie-tubes 74.1K
OmegaDrill 60.3K
quantized-inserter 14
RadioNetwork 1.96K
RealisticDecorationCleanup 23.8K
reverse-factory 64.2K
Rocket-Silo-Construction 39.7K
SimpleSilicon 100
some-corpsemarker 8.38K
tackleautorun 1.52K
textplates 281K
underground-cables-plus-plus (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
underground-pipe-pack 41.1K
vanilla-loaders-hd 26.9K
VehicleSnap 252K
vehicle-corpses 7.78K
VisionRadar 7.42K
Warehousing 209K
what-is-it-really-used-for 34.1K
yemtositemcount 2.60K
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v0.3.9)