Hey, new player, apologies if this isnt helpful. I clicked on a furnace and got the following error/crash, happens every time i click on these furnaces on this save. The furnaces were making iron plates, and were active with fuel, and contained ore. Out of the bank of furnaces (had five of them in a row), despite all of them actively in the smelting animation, with fuel, ore and some plates still in the output area, the crash only occured when I clicked on 3 out of the 5 furnances (reloaded save each time).
The mod Actual Craft Time (2.0.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event actual-craft-time::on_gui_opened (ID 95)
actual-craft-time/control.lua:324: attempt to index local 'recipe' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
actual-craft-time/control.lua:324: in function 'getRecipeFromFurnace'
actual-craft-time/control.lua:406: in function 'getRecipe'
actual-craft-time/control.lua:721: in function <actual-craft-time/control.lua:700>