Removed deprecated

by wormmus

Removed Mod

7 years ago

i Hey about the challenge to beat the world record...

7 years ago

The world record is in a older version of Factorio that had a easier way to make science pack 3's. So really the world record is 3 hours, 2 minutes, and 24 seconds by hairintd for 0.14. So right now your achievement is "impossible".

7 years ago

Smart Inserters became Filter Inserters, that's the only change I see. I don't see why you couldn't achieve it. IIRC, the only reason AntiElitz doesn't play 0.14 for his speed runs is because he's used to 0.12. But please, enlighten me if you disagree.

7 years ago

Green science costs changed significantly for one thing.

7 years ago

The next release will be updated to AntiElitz time of 4:11:51 as shown on his stream from today. The reason for this achievement was for AntiElitz, since he's a familiar character around the community, so even if somebody else beats his time, it will not be updated until he beats his own time.

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