AAI Programmable Structures

Adds scanning and control structures based on other mods installed. Includes a Tile Scanner by default that can the contents of tiles. Can scan and place Zones with AAI Zones mod. Can scan and control vehicles and their data with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

b Do not know if it can be named a bug

5 years ago


the mod works fine, but I would like to use it with Fluids++ and when the Tile Scanner Scans Natural Gas (new ressource from Fluids++) then crashes with the following error:

Error while running event aai-programmable-structures::on_tick (ID 0)
Value outside of range in property tree at ROOT[5].count
stack traceback:
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:393: in function 'struct_export_outputs_to_constants'
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:942: in function 'struct_process_input_output'
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:964: in function 'struct_update_state'
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:1241: in function <aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:1190>

5 years ago

This should be fixed now, thanks.

5 years ago

Hmmm, just tried it. As my search searches for a distance I placed it directly beside it and I got immediatly the following error:
Error while running event aai-programmable-structures::on_tick (ID 0)
Value outside of range in property tree at ROOT[5].count
stack traceback:
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:403: in function 'struct_export_outputs_to_constants'
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:1089: in function 'struct_process_input_output'
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:1111: in function 'struct_update_state'
aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:1410: in function <aai-programmable-structures/control.lua:1337>

When I disable Fluids++ and Power++ the error is gone.

5 years ago

Can you send me the save file?