Error is still occuring when I try to load a save game with the mod enabled.
Similar errors (pasted below) occur in a new game.
This error occurs after pressing the button to "Filter: all sites" after adding a site to YARM:
The mod YARM - Resource Monitor (1.0.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event YARM::on_gui_click (ID 1)
YARM/resmon/locale.lua:137: attempt to index field 'force' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
YARM/resmon/locale.lua:137: in function <YARM/resmon/locale.lua:123>
(...tail calls...)
YARM/resmon/yatable/cell_factories.lua:73: in function <YARM/resmon/yatable/cell_factories.lua:68>
(...tail calls...)
YARM/resmon/yatable.lua:153: in function 'render'
YARM/resmon/ui.lua:48: in function 'update_player'
YARM/resmon/click.lua:27: in function 'set_filter'
YARM/resmon/click.lua:14: in function <YARM/resmon/click.lua:7>
This error occurs if I press the button to "Filter: all sites" first, then add a site to YARM:
The mod YARM - Resource Monitor (1.0.2) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event YARM::on_tick (ID 0)
YARM/resmon/locale.lua:137: attempt to index field 'force' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
YARM/resmon/locale.lua:137: in function <YARM/resmon/locale.lua:123>
(...tail calls...)
YARM/resmon/yatable/cell_factories.lua:73: in function <YARM/resmon/yatable/cell_factories.lua:68>
(...tail calls...)
YARM/resmon/yatable.lua:153: in function 'render'
YARM/resmon/ui.lua:48: in function 'update_player'
YARM/resmon/ui.lua:27: in function 'update_force_members'
YARM/resmon.lua:475: in function 'submit_site'
YARM/resmon.lua:820: in function 'update_players'
YARM/resmon.lua:881: in function 'on_tick_internal'
YARM/resmon.lua:916: in function <YARM/resmon.lua:911>