YARM - Resource Monitor

by Narc

This mod helps you to keep track of your mining sites, with useful data such as the percent mined, and estimated time to depletion.

7 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b [Fixed] To much on items on warnings only list

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

Hi there.
I dont know if it is bug or a feature.
This is for the single ore field values.
In the filtered list (warnings only) are items with more than 10%. And that shouldn't be, it wasn't in the past.
So on both lists (warnings only and all sites) is no difference for me.

Here a screenshot of the problem and my mod-options:

Mithaldu β˜†
10 months ago

Note how it says hours, not percentage in the setting. :)

Mithaldu β˜†
10 months ago

Ah, i need to rewrite that. THAT is a bug. :D

10 months ago

Dnm. That didn't go as planned... Thx for the fix.
R.I.P. in Peace 10% limit

Mithaldu β˜†
10 months ago

I mean, feel free to make a case for why knowing that specific piece of info might be more valuable than knowing when it's gonna run out. :)

Right now i just don't understand why anybody would want to still have that.

10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

I can only speak for myself and my experience.
Knowing the %-value is not the point.
It's all about knowing when an item appears in the filtered list.

The %-value is constand. The h-value is relativ.
When the consumption of ore stops the %-value remains the same. The h-value increases.
So the filtered list with h-values does not show the current state correctly.

State A: 100.000 ore field (100% - 10h)
State B: consumption stops at 5.000 ore (5% - 0,5h)
=== h filtered list (12h) ===
A does appear in the list (have to lower the h-value to make it disappear, can not do this for each ore field individually)
B does appear in the list (but if you wait long enough it will go away)
=== % filtered list (10%) ===
A does not appears in the list (and will never)
B does appears in the list (and stays at the same point, rescan to make it disappear)

It kept the filterd list small.
In the past, when an item appears in the filtered list, it prompts me to do something.
--> get a new ore field
--> clean up the old field (replace minigdrills and scan it again to get a better time) [rescan is not necessary with your new calculations, NICE!]

I personally prefer to work with constant values. This gives me better control over the list.
The amount and size of every ore field is different. However, this has no influence on the %-value.

After writing all this, I've come to the conclusion that I don't like the lack of control over the filtered list.


Mithaldu β˜†
10 months ago

So the filtered list with h-values does not show the current state correctly.

how is it incorrect?

and will never

why not?


why would you have such a sensitive warning for individual sites? you can set the site warnings to something small, and a long one for the overall ore totals

--> get a new ore field

yes, if you have a long warning on ore totals and an ore appears there, it needs more sites added

--> clean up the old field

yeah, set individual sites warning to something like 1 or 2 hours and you're fine

I've come to the conclusion that I don't like the lack of control over the filtered list.

i appreciate the explanations, but it is hard for me to see the actual problem you're having

New response