YARM - Resource Monitor

by Narc

This mod helps you to keep track of your mining sites, with useful data such as the percent mined, and estimated time to depletion.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Values in parentheses

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

Since one of the last two updates I have values in parentheses and I can't deactivate them. the corresponding settings don't work and might have wrong descriptions regarding default settings.

1 year, 10 months ago

Er, can I have a screenshot, maybe?

I'm not really maintaining YARM anymore but @Mithaldu did the recent changes and might be better able to track down and fix the problem; that said, if I see it, I might have some idea of a workaround.

1 year, 10 months ago

i know what they mean, the numbers in parens are the new "adjust for productivity" display

also see: https://github.com/narc0tiq/YARM/pull/150

that feature seems to need some testing, as it doesn't work quite like intended i think

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

I made some screenshots, from my settings and the UI.
The unselected "Show both..." setting suggests only one number should be displayed. Enable/Disable that setting doesn't change anything https://imgur.com/zcpBKXD
The tooltip of that setting mentions the wrong default setting for the "which value..." setting. https://imgur.com/3oG3lKA

1 year, 10 months ago

yeah, i am not intimately familiar with this codebase and as mentioned narc doesn't actively maintain it. i can guess that this happens because changes to the ui need to be triggered explicitly and the normal update function doesn't apply them

the person who implemented that was Jürgen A. Erhard jae+factoriomods@jaerhard.com in this pull request, so you'll wanna try contacting them first: https://github.com/narc0tiq/YARM/pull/136

if that doesn't pan out, and you don't think you can make a fix, i can have a stab at it

1 year, 10 months ago

Ok, I try to fix it

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

Fixed it locally, but I dont want to deal with the {{MOD_NAME}} {{VERSION}} stuff on github.
So TLDR put ".value" behind all the settings they used in resmon.lua, like settings.global["YARM-adjust-for-productivity"].value
A fixed 0.8.209 can be found here https://www.evilpla.net/YARM_0.8.209.zip

1 year, 10 months ago

I'm surprised it worked before (or maybe it never did?). I would have loved a pull request, but I can do a little editing just fine on my own. Thanks for the fix!

1 year, 10 months ago

Wow, I just realized that, even though I merged that pull request over a year ago, I never actually released it! ...Yeah, I'm really not maintaining this mod, am I?

1 year, 10 months ago

tbh if you like, i wouldn't mind taking over :)

1 year, 10 months ago

I may take you up on that, actually. But I should document how to get the 'builds' going (and my release process) first.

1 year, 10 months ago

maybe remove the CI stuff so people can contribute easier

1 year, 9 months ago


I've been working more on YARM, including making my own builds. You mentioned being open to having me take it over, and at this point rather than offering it, i would like to directly ask for it as i feel confident enough to make useful changes. :) You can see here that i have a long history of open source development: https://metacpan.org/author/MITHALDU

If you'd like to discuss more, send me your preferred chat contact please, otherwise you can also get me at t.me/mithaldu, mithaldu on twitter or Mithaldu#5818 on discord. IRC is also an option.

1 year, 9 months ago

You mentioned being open to having me take it over, and at this point rather than offering it, i would like to directly ask for it as i feel confident enough to make useful changes. :)

Cool, I've pinged you on Discord (Narc#6531) and I've sent invites to be a collaborator on Github and here (so you can create releases and such).

maybe remove the CI stuff so people can contribute easier

There's not really much there, the {{MOD_NAME}} and {{VERSION}} tags are very explicitly meant to be mechanically-replaceable; without those you could take the raw git repo and use it as a mod directly. I assume this is what you meant? I fully support doing that change, there is no reason for release tooling to get in the way of development work.

For reference, the mod makefile also includes instructions about including only relevant files/folders, as well as a very basic Lua syntax check -- those are useful IMHO, but only for packaging actual releases.

1 year, 9 months ago

Neat, thanks!

And yeah, i'll remove the MOD_NAME bit, and rework the versioning to not get in people's way. :)

New response