투오넬라 시나리오 전용 최적화 및 적 관련 필수 Core입니다. 투오넬라 시나리오 이외의 환경에서도 사용 가능하게 설계되어 있습니다. 팩토리오 플레이에 렉이 많으신 분은 사용해보는걸 추천 드립니다.
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Dependency | 1.79M | |
Built-in dependency |
base >= 0.15.0 | - |
Required dependency |
Noxys_QuickerStumpFade >= 0.0.2 | 3.89K |
Optional dependency |
AlienBloodFix | 12 |
Optional dependency |
Armageddon | 19 |
Optional dependency |
BiterBias | 1.23K |
Optional dependency |
bobenemies | 249K |
Optional dependency |
bullet-trails | 423K |
Optional dependency |
color-picker | 30 |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
detached-gun-sounds | 50 |
Optional dependency |
Dirt_Path | 11.5K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
disable-decorations | 8 |
Optional dependency |
Enhanced_Map_Colors | 104K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
EquipmentHotkeys_fixed | 13 |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
EMP Biters | 6 |
Optional dependency |
LessUnplugged | 763 |
Optional dependency |
Natural_Evolution_Buildings | 5.27K |
Optional dependency |
Natural_Evolution_Enemies | 15.6K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
Natural_Evolution_Expansion | 23 |
Optional dependency |
Noxys_Trees | 15.2K |
Optional dependency |
NuclearSpitters | 4 |
Optional dependency |
Pitch_Black_kor | 4 |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
Rampant-Blockable-Projectiles | 24 |
Optional dependency |
Rampant | 124K |
Optional dependency |
Renamer | 7.77K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
Ruins | 7 |
Optional dependency |
searching-flashlight | 8 |
Optional dependency |
ShinyIcons | 155 |
Optional dependency |
Smokeless | 11 |
Optional dependency |
Squeak Through | 475K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
Swarm | 11 |
Optional dependency |
tree_collision | 96.3K |
Optional dependency |
UnGirthyBorders | 26 |
Optional dependency |
VehicleSnap | 252K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
WormAttack | 1.31K |
Dependency is marked as deprecated |
weaponSoundsRedone | 23 |