Workbench - Crafting made easier

by akipfer

A Simple, yet handy workbench for crafting faster, mostly everything, mostly.. U may need to sit, like in a vehicle(GET IN..) Please do post bugs, or other related ideas/ways for fixing bugs if any!

1 year, 2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Small Visual Tweak

1 year, 2 months ago

When the player enters the workbench, an idle animation of the player's sprite is placed in front of it--without player control--to make it look like the player is actually standing at the workbench. (Check out the 'miniMAXIme' mod for important considerations on working with player sprites. Not everyone will be using the default player sprite.) If you want to go further, you could add a stool that hides the sprite's legs and switch from idle to running animations whenever the player is building something.


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