TA Miners

This is a Fork of (Texugo Texugo TA Miners)... Big Miners inspired on Total Annihilation metal extractors models, adds 3 tiers of massive miners that can mine entire ore spawns

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g []Compatibility Issue

1 year, 11 months ago

When I try to play this mod with Factorio and Conquer: Tiberium Dawn, I get two strange error messages.

9.995 Error ModManager.cpp:1608: Failed to load mod "Factorio-Tiberium": Factorio-Tiberium/scripts/DynamicOreRecipes.lua:366: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'upper' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'upper'
Factorio-Tiberium/scripts/DynamicOreRecipes.lua:366: in function 'evaluateFormula'
Factorio-Tiberium/scripts/DynamicOreRecipes.lua:352: in function 'allTechCosts'
Factorio-Tiberium/scripts/DynamicOreRecipes.lua:106: in function 'giantSetupFunction'
Factorio-Tiberium/scripts/DynamicOreRecipes.lua:1174: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
Factorio-Tiberium/data-final-fixes.lua:57: in main chunk
9.998 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
10.290 Checksum for core: 1576756157
10.344 Error ModManager.cpp:1608: Error in assignID: recipe-category with name 'crafting' does not exist.

Failed to load mods: Error in assignID: item with name 'steel-gear-wheel' does not exist.
Source: crust_extractor (recipe).
Mods to be disabled:
WipMod_TA-miners (2.0.0)

From my basic understanding, it seems like the mod is trying to load multiple different mod trees, from Bob's, Py, Krastorio, Space Ex, but can't finalise it during the data-final-fixes, which causes the Tiberium Mod to crash.

1 year, 11 months ago

can you send me your modlist?

1 year, 11 months ago

Factorio Version -Experimental Version 1.1.80
Mod version - 1.1.28
Mod List :
Advanced Logistics System Fork
Alien Biomes
Angel's Addons - CAB
Angel's Addons - Mass Transit
Angel's Addons - Storage Options
Angel's Bioprocessing
Angel's Industries
Angel's Infinite Ores
Angel's Petrochemical Processing
Angel's Refining
Angel's Smelting
Armoured Biters
Asphalt Paving
Bob's Adjustable Inserters
Bob's Assembling machines
Bob's Electronics
Bob's Enemies
Bob's Functions Library
Bob's Greenhouse
Bob's Logistics
Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates
Bob's Mining
Bob's Modules
Bob's Ores
Bob's Personal Equipment
Bob's Power
Bob's Technology
Bob's Vehicle Equipment
Bob's Warfare
C&C Low Power Sounds
Dark Matter Replicators
Factorio Library
Factorio Standard Library
Fluid Must Flow
Hero Turrets
Infinite Cost Research Twaeker
JKIL's Car Headlights Improved
Loader Redux
Lovely_Santa's library of knowledge
LTN - Logistic Train Network
Memory Storage
No Bot Charging at Repair Turret
Nuclear Robots Reboot
Obelisks of Light
Orbital ION Cannon (SE Edition)
Recipe Book
Repair Turret
Soviet Tesla Coils
TA Miners
VortiK's Big Bertha Artillery Sounds
YARM - Resource Monitor


1 year, 11 months ago

I just found out what the problem is, basically my mod initialize it's recipes later than normal so tiberium does not find the items needed, this parte of the error handler should be on the tiberium side, I can try few things, if you can enter discord Ill' send you the beta version to test.


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