Water As A Resource

Turns Water into a non infinite resource. Water bodies get removed and replaced by solid ground. Offshore Drains allow water & oil to be put back into these depleted areas. 0.8.0 - 1.1 Factorio Compatibility, Multiplayer Multiple Forces Update, Krastorio2 Support, Reworked MapMarkers

1 year, 6 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b drain using other than water liquid

2 years ago

not sure its a bug or just me being silly, i have the tiberium mod installed and just for fun used a drain, to create a pond, then emptied it using a pump, then used that drain to fill it with liquid tiberium, received the following

The mod Water As A Resource (0.8.7) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event WaterAsAResource::on_nth_tick(6)
WaterAsAResource/control.lua:1766: attempt to compare table with number
stack traceback:
WaterAsAResource/control.lua:1766: in function 'PumpRereplace'
WaterAsAResource/control.lua:1864: in function <WaterAsAResource/control.lua:1825>

2 years ago

maybe this should be a suggestion instead?, just want a lake of sulpheric acid or liquid tiberium

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