Water As A Resource

Turns Water into a non infinite resource. Water bodies get removed and replaced by solid ground. Offshore Drains allow water & oil to be put back into these depleted areas. 0.8.0 - 1.1 Factorio Compatibility, Multiplayer Multiple Forces Update, Krastorio2 Support, Reworked MapMarkers

1 year, 6 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Pump Visual Glitch and Infinite Resource Exploit

2 years ago

For some reason, when I pumped a lake full of oil, parts of the pumps got permanently stuck on screen and only seem to go away if you wait until the lake is empty again before you remove them. Also, it seems that if you have an offshore drain connected to a pipe with oil/water in it, the lake will never begin to run dry. This even happens when the pipes connected to the offshore pump have nothing in them but still have a fluid type associated with them.

2 years ago

Hello Pog_Patrol,

If you can provide a save file that shows these errors, and how I could replicate, then I maybe able to see whats going on.

This issue of infinite fluid pops up from time to time, and I'm never able to replicate it.


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