Water As A Resource

Turns Water into a non infinite resource. Water bodies get removed and replaced by solid ground. Offshore Drains allow water & oil to be put back into these depleted areas. 0.8.0 - 1.1 Factorio Compatibility, Multiplayer Multiple Forces Update, Krastorio2 Support, Reworked MapMarkers

1 year, 6 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Cliffs as Lake Border

5 years ago

Hello! So I'm really tempted to use this mod, however, the thing that puts me off is the water turning into walk-able terrain. Since biters can't go in water, or any entity for that matter, I use rivers, lakes, oceans, etc. as a natural defense that connects my walls against the biters. I don't know how hard it would be to implement this as I am not a programmer myself but my idea is this: As another user has pointed out, can we have the borders turn into cliffs? This would look as if there was actual depth there and it would still keep a "wall". A step further could be that shallow water does turn into dry earth but deep water makes cliffs around the deep water border. That way it would allow biters around walls in small gaps that players have to be aware of but not nullify entire natural borders. If this could somehow be implemented I swear it would be a staple in every game I play. And as others have suggested, I too would like a farthest from pump dry out first method. Toggle-able of course, like you suggested in another thread. Lastly I too am on board with seas being able to replenish itself since its unrealistic to drain an entire ocean or mega lake. Could also be toggle-able. Thank you for even making this mod tho!

5 years ago

Hello Sam,

So lets get the obvious stuff out the way.

From/To Pump is implemented and is the new default in the mod since 0.5.7. Able to be toggled!

Water Regen is also already implemented, from version 0.5.6. Able to be toggled!

I always liked the idea that this huge body of water that was in the middle of the base is now land accessible, instead of having to use landfill to get rid of it. To counter this I have thought about adding in, being able to dig (landfil) shallow/deep channels that you could fill with water. Allowing you to make your own moats for defense. Though this would be tricky to implement at a mod logic area, depending on previous areas and merging them.

As for the boundaries with cliffs something to think about, though if i go with the channel digging idea would make this no longer required.

Either way at this point, apart from one further bug to release a fix for I'll wait till after 0.17's release before making big changes. I'll keep this in mind.

5 years ago

Thank you for your response!

I admit I didn't check to see if features were already implemented, sorry. I read them in the threads is all. As for the moat idea, I am on board with this since it is a more realistic approach to water boundaries as opposed to other mods that just let you plop water out of nowhere. However, if it does turn out to be too tricky, maybe give cliffs a try? I know I'm pushing it but, I haven't been this excited for such a feature since wishing science to be an actual fluid. Thank you MoreScience! Hah.

Also, I'm assuming this would greatly interfere with Cargo Ships Mod? I'll just have to be very precise in selecting where to get my water from. Can't have ships without water!

Thanks again!

And I agree with waiting for 0.17 it seems to be just around the bend...

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