Volume Control

by Optera

Volume control for every sound file.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Spidertron shush

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Thank you.
I was able to easily add spidertron vox to the list of things your mod can edit
The noise drove me up a wall after the novelty wore off.
I left the leg noises alone. movement should make sound, but just chillin in the spyda... shhh.

edit derp removed

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

A simple "please add spidertron idle" would have sufficed, but thanks for finding the sound file.

PS: Your setting name and data reference don't match

PPS: turning volumes down to unnoticeable still plays them, turning them to 0 makes the engine not play at all.

4 years ago

Yeah. my bad, was just so excited, then I changed what it was when I posted it for some reason. Wasn't sure how active ya were. Didn't put it to 0 cuz it took me so many tries to get factorio to run with other stuff and attempts at getting it to work. nil errors and such for dayz.

Shoulda figured the code from the LTN trainmaster was more robust.
Thank ya.

3 years ago

So uhm, this means Spidertron Sounds are added by now?

If not, to say it with your own words: "Please add spidertron idle" =)

Because this really gives me headache. Even more then Belts.

3 years ago

Nevermind, it is. It's just not listed on the info page, that's why I was confused :D

Just awesome, thank you!

New response