Volume Control

by Optera

Volume control for every sound file.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Pipette + Ghost placement

4 years ago

The sound that Pipette + placing a ghost do drives me mad. Their sounds are so insanely much worse than what they used to be.

Your mod is the only mod that remotely allows me to opt out of Factorio Dev's weird decisions they do sometimes. Sadly I see that your mod doesn't support pipette + ghost placement. I just want to be able to mute those two. Is that something you can add perhaps?

Also, why are the settings under map startup rather than per player?

4 years ago

Adding ghost and pipette should be possible.

Every sound is part of data.raw. The only time data.raw can be changed is when the game starts.
Runtime hacks might be possible, but I deem them unfeasible.

4 years ago

Thanks for implementing the ghost placement and pickup volume control :]

4 years ago

Can you please also add the mute button for the pipette? (when you press Q on buildings)

4 years ago

Without your post I wouldn't even have noticed that sound.
You must make heavy use of pipette for that sound to become annoying.

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