Unit/Location Hotkeys

Adds configurable shortcuts and hotkeys to center your view on a specific entity or location (and select a remote when it's a spidertron), similar to control groups in an RTS

a month ago

g More detailed images for buttons

1 year, 3 months ago

Can you have more than one button with the same image?

Even better, we have more than one image per button? I have several places making the same thing, so I'd like to label them copper-1, copper-2, etc.

Even without that, this mod is going to save me a lot of scrolling.

1 year, 3 months ago

You can have as many buttons use the same image as you want.

With my knowledge of the api, I don't think more than one image for a single button is possible, but adding a label should be easy. I'll look into it this weekend.

1 year, 3 months ago

Dreaming here, but I'd feel really silly if it's actually easy to implement:
Can you make a location for each alarm? My SeaBlock base has several hundred alarms, and often several are on at once (since it takes time for a new block to build and solve supply problem). Currently, I have tags on the map, with grid co-ordinates, and each alarm shows what is made in the block, closes tag co-ord, and what's missing. Then I have to look at each co-ordinate for alarms near it. A way to click on each alarm and zoom in would save several steps.

Like I said, I have no clue if that's trivial or difficult to implement.

1 year, 3 months ago

Uploaded a new version that lets you show labels under each hotkey.

I'm guessing you mean you have a bunch of programmable speakers, and when multiple are active it's difficult to find all of them? If so, looks like this other mod probably does what you want: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/AlertsList2

1 year, 3 months ago

Thank you!!! When I searched for speaker, I saw different sounds, but nothing with location.

I'll play with both your updated one and the location one.

1 year, 3 months ago

Gorfiend7, is there a way to make the dialog a bit longer? If I give a button a label "Iron Spaceship" I can only see "Iron Spa..."
Also, could we use icons in the labels?

1 year, 2 months ago

Updated to remove the width limit on labels.

You can use icons in labels, but unfortunately it doesn't look like it's possible for me to add the input helper for it. You can either copy them from somewhere else that supports it, or manually enter them as described at https://wiki.factorio.com/Rich_text

1 year, 2 months ago

Updated to remove the width limit on labels.

You can use icons in labels, but unfortunately it doesn't look like it's possible for me to add the input helper for it. You can either copy them from somewhere else that supports it, or manually enter them as described at https://wiki.factorio.com/Rich_text

Awesome, thank you!

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