Thank you so much for your quick look at this issue!
I tried this out, and it looks like I now get a crash in a different place, and on the client instead of the server, which is progress:
Error while running event Todo-List-Continued::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/export_task.lua:6: attempt to index
global ‘global’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/export_task.lua:6: in function
Todo-List-Continued/todo/ui/main_frame.lua:57: in function
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/main_ui.lua:69: in function
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/main_ui.lua:58: in function
Todo-List-Continued/todo/todo.lua:94: in function 'on_gui_click'
Todo-List-Continued/control.lua:20: in function
When I actually got back into the server, the todo list was live, but then I also hit another client crash when I tried to save a new task:
Error while running event Todo-List-Continued::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/add_task.lua:58: attempt to index global
'global' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/add_task.lua:58: in function 'next_task_id'
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/add_task.lua:48: in function 'assemble_task'
Todo-List-Continued/todo/features/add_task.lua:14: in function 'on_save_new_task_click'
Todo-List-Continued/todo/todo.lua:100: in function 'on_gui_click'
Todo-List-Continued/control.lua:20: in function
I also got an error when I tried to mark a task complete, didn't grab the stacktrace for that one but I can if it is needed.
Finally, I did actually load this up in a single player game and had no issues with it, so it's something to do with having a dedicated server.