Factorio, Except It Makes That Weird Tim Allen Noise When You Build, Deconstruct, And Research Things

Inspired by similar mods in other games. The title sounds exactly what you should expect. Also this applies to construction bots as well.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i 100 Character limit

3 years ago

On startup, this mod fails to run as it's over the 100 character limit for mod titles.

This should be easily fixed, as the title is 101 characters.

You could either remove a couple commas to make it Factorio Except It Makes That Weird Tim Allen Noise When You Build, Deconstruct And Research Things

or change Except to But, making it Factorio, But It Makes That Weird Tim Allen Noise When You Build, Deconstruct, And Research Things

Depending on your preference of comma usage or wording. Hopefully it's a simple fix :)

2 years ago

Looks Like the mod dev forgot about this mod, I will just reupload this with some fixes as your message is 5 months old

2 years ago

Uploaded fix! Will also be working on big fixes for this mod as well. Hope you are still interested in this mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/That-Wierd-Tim-Allen-Sound

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