Deep core pumpjack

A pumpjack which extract oil from the depths of the planet. All credits go to creator nerze ( My part was only adjust to 0.17 and make it simpler.Originally made from the BinbinHfr mod :

5 years ago

g Bug with actual craft time

5 years ago

Whenever i click on the drilling pumpjack i get the following error and crash back to the main menu:

The mod Actual Craft Time caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Actual_Craft_Time::on_gui_opened (ID 83)
Actual_Craft_Time/control.lua:348: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'extra' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Actual_Craft_Time/control.lua:348: in function 'addItemFrame'
Actual_Craft_Time/control.lua:614: in function <Actual_Craft_Time/control.lua:384>

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