
by Simcra

Reach up to the skies or dig deep below, expand your base vertically... If you're into that kind of thing.

8 years ago

g What about bridges and tunnels for trains?

8 years ago

Question. Does this mod allow you to create bridges and tunnels for trains? Doesn't it work like that?

8 years ago


8 years ago

No, rail transport is planned for sometime after factorio 0.14.0, I'm hoping that we can transport trains between surfaces at some point.

8 years ago

I guess what you can do tho is make the rail under the ground and just transport the items up or down in a cargo lift?

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

"No, rail transport is planned for sometime after factorio 0.14.0, I'm hoping that we can transport trains between surfaces at some point."
Well, since 0.15 is already on its way, i'd say it is safe to assume that train systems wont be a thing.

6 years ago

The logistics behind it and the complexity is rather large, there are plans but they are not set in stone.

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