Solar Ratio Calculator

by PFQNiet

Provides a UI that calculates solar panel / accumulator ratios

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g This mod and Space Exploration

3 years ago

in SE planets are different with different cycles. It would be a huge help if this mod would work with SE.
But I cant figure out the numbers.
There huge numbers for both accus (5MJ) and panels (400kW). The day on the planet has like 50 min. The night is like 10 min.

3 years ago

I have created mod similar to this and compatible with Space Exploration different surfaces.
You can find it in my profile

3 years ago

I have some feedback, if you care. Would you enjoy it, when more people enjoy this mod?

I spent more time with the interface of the mod and figured it out. What put me off was the big numbers of the ratios that can happen. As the ratios used whole numbers.
Like that known 21:25 ration on Nauvis in the Vanilla game.
On the planet I was using the mod I had a ratio of 1967258080 : 799067251. With the basic accu (5MJ) and the 2nd solar panel (400kW).
That big number put me off. Like as if the mod was malfuntioning. I thought the mod was not working. You are a smart guy. As you are able to make such a mod. I cannot. All I can is open my mouth and complain. :-) "I want feature this and that." Maybe you never had this issue of my example. When beginners in math have results with formulas which appear wrong to them, they get unsure.

I feel like the mod only has the minimum needed features to work. It could get some additions to the interface, which would it make really noob and user friendly. Which would result in more people using it.
Like radio buttons to choose a state:
o - Calculate ideal ratio (for the big numbers with whole numbers),
o - Calculate based on available Accu´s,
o - Calculate based on available solar panels,
o - Calculate based on needed power output.

Where only the text fields needed for imput are available for input (the others are greyed out). Also there should be an option to reduce the ammount.

Also the output area is strange.
This is a text field - //...//

The output area says:
//...// Accumulators = //...// = Solar Panels //...//
This is kind of strange and confusing.
What do you think of this seqeuence:
Accumulators = //...// Solar Panels = //...// Power Output = //...//

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Are you sure you are talking about MY mod?
I'm not author of this SolarRatio Calculator, this is written by PFQNiet.

This line looks like PFQNiet's SolarRatio Calculator interface

/...// Accumulators = //...// = Solar Panels //...//

But I can't find such part of interface in mine Solar Calculator.

3 years ago

Beneath the misunderstanding, I thought you where the creator of this mod. As we are in the discussion section of this mod. Actually I havent noticed the difference between your name and PFQNiet´s name. Actually, my feedback was adressed to PFQNiet and his mod.
So my feedback is for @PFQNiet.
Sorry if you felt adressed.
But I will take a look into your mod, too. =@Kaktusbot

3 years ago

This mod should handle SE just fine, however the numbers may not be as tidy on other planets. The ratio is given as the smallest whole numbers that make a perfect ratio, and in your case 1967258080 : 799067251 is not reducible further.

That being said, this was my first attempt at modding so it's not great. It doesn't really allow for calculating "close enough" ratios for instance.

3 years ago

I found out how to work with this mod. It is alright. Dont be to hard on yourself. You created a solution. Before there was only vacuum.

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