
by Zaflis

Tries to make warnings look better.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Fuel not work

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

This i know, but i tried fixing even today but could not find the cause. There was nothing wrong with it before 2.0 though.

a month ago

are you sure you modify the good file ?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Yeah, while the icon name used in mod wouldn't even have to be the same it is. Prototype is also matching at
data\core\prototypes\utility-sprites.lua lines
488 (starts the default category)
801 (fuel_icon)

In this mod prototype:
data.raw["utility-sprites"]["default"].fuel_icon = { filename = "__SmoothWarnings__/graphics/fuel-icon-red.png", priority = "extra-high", width = 64, height = 64, flags = {"icon"}, scale = 1.4 }

All other warnings are done in same way, and if i made a single typo it would usually give a warning at start, but i don't see. May need to go ask devs support if they hardcoded the icon accidentally or something.

Edit: Started at

a month ago

i cross finger for you to have a reply, th, have a good day sir

a month ago


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