
by Zaflis

Tries to make warnings look better.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

g 1/4 settings ?

a month ago

hello could you add a setting to reduce the size of "out of network" and "no power" by a quart ?
(and maybe for frozzen one)

a month ago

on corner

a month ago

Yeah the scale values are set in prototype phase, i might be able to make setting for it.

a month ago

nice , th

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

New version is out now, there is 4 icons that have scaling values in mod settings. Also the fuel icon works.

Now only thing is that it has only english locale, but those are only needed in the mod settings menu, nothing to translate ingame while playing.

a month ago

if you open a github i can translat the setting menu on different language =)

the icone it's lock on a corner or center ?

a month ago

I have had good experiences using AI for translation very recently, i'll just need to know which languages are needed.

I haven't changed the icons positions from defaults that should be center, i assume. I've changed the graphics themselves to make it seem they aren't at center sometimes. I saw there are some warning icons showing at the same time so i adjusted those a little so they don't totally overlap. The thunderstorm for example is drawn more to bottom corner, as almost any entity can have a different warning too during a storm.

The latest version did change the defaults slightly for those you mentioned. I haven't looked into panning the location with data, in theory it's no different from changing scale but unsure. We'll have a little bloated settings menu if we add scale and panning for every icon :p

a month ago

thanks you, for your replay
i'm french, so i can help
generaly i use deepl for quick pass, and humain check before send the result.

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