
by Zaflis

Tries to make warnings look better.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Missing Simmplifing ^^

2 months ago

I'm currently in a Space Age Run and on Aquillo. There I have noticed, that the frozen sign is normal.
Is this indeninal or just missed?
Idear: For that, a Snowflake might be helpfull ^^

Also: If builings, wich are missing in the Construction (Gera symbol). Or was this pre-2.0 also normal?

2 months ago

Pre-2.0 was like a robot icon that this mod changed too for delivering module in building, which was replaced with an arrow in 2.0 and i looks good enough to not need replacing. Unless you mean something else.

I have thought about the snowflake, but will see. I still don't even know why the fuel icon is not replaced, even though it is done same way all other replacements.

2 months ago


May first thought was: "Fuel is changed for the train" than I have seen the Pizza slice on Gleba and was like, "Wait, does he means this fuel icon?"
Did't notice it until now ^^

2 months ago

No it's for furnaces that are missing coal for example.

a month ago

Would really love the snowflake version for frozen.

a month ago

I've added icons for frozen, lightning storm and repair, also changed the wifi range warning to new style from Space Age. Should have no issue running mod without Space Age still.

New response