
by Zaflis

Tries to make warnings look better.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

g 2.0?

4 months ago


4 months ago

It's been postponed, i tried it on beta quickly but only half of the icons were replaced by the mod and other half was vanilla and i couldn't figure where the problem could be. It would've been awkward to release it in broken state. I've thought lately it was perhaps a sprite cache issue but haven't had the time to look into it because i'm still playing Space Age without mods. 2.0 also added and changed many icons, even added a mode where warning icons don't blink.

4 months ago

I prefer your warnings over the default. I can't wait till you get around to updating!

3 months ago
(updated 3 months ago)

I have a suggestion regarding one of the icons. In SmoothWarnings, there is currently a skeuomorphic battery icon, but I think the lightning icon shown when electricity is missing would look better, just make it red instead of yellow.

Alternatively, if keeping the battery icon, it could be drawn in some non-skeuomorphic way. Also icon selection can be an option in mod settings, in case someone prefer skeuomorphic battery icon.

It may be convenient if you make a repository with the code on GitLab or GitHub. I've made red lightning icon for battery about a year ago, just don't published it, but probably would do it if I was able to make pull request on GitLab or GitHub.

3 months ago

I can release this version, also red lightning is not bad idea. It's now default but i've also included the yellow version in files in case someone wants to change it. I recolored them slightly to match the red and yellow palette of existing warnings much better, the shades used to be slightly off. Logistics delivery icon is removed as there is a very different icon style now for when modules are being delivered to buildings and vanilla is good for it.

In any case i could not get the fuel icon working and i don't know why. If you have any clues on that let me know. I deleted sprite and data cache but no change. The screenshot above is taken without any mods, including no Space Age. Will release in a bit.

There are several other icons that could still be added as well, but it would demand some more artistry time again.

New response