Actually, I've already outlined a way for other to prevent their bots from being scaled pretty much at the top of data-final-fixes.lua:
-- If you are the author of a mod that creates flying bots, and if you don't want
-- "SmallRobots" to scale your mods, please add the flag "SR_dont_scale_me" to your
-- prototype! Example:
-- my_bot = table.deepcopy(data.raw["construction-bot"]["construction-bot"])
-- my_bot.SR_dont_scale_me = true
I could blacklist by name pattern (checking if the name contains the string "-drone-rampant"), but that would break if the prototype names ever got changed, so it's safer if the other mod added the flag. After taking a quick glance, for "Rampant" and "Rampant Fixed" you would do this in prototypes/utils/DroneUtils.lua, in the function droneUtils.makeDrone():
local drone = {
type = "combat-robot",
name = n,
SR_dont_scale_me = true, -- ADD THIS LINE!