Small Roboports

by Ioney

Smaller Roboport

7 years ago

g Question for the Author (PM)

6 years ago

Good evening, boail. I apologize in advance for leaving a PM here. I normally send messages such as these privately, but I couldn't find you or your mod on the Forums, and as such this was the only way to contact you.

I am Neomore, a mod upkeeper and occasional developer for Factorio and Stardew Valley mods. I recently found your Small Roboports mod, and was very interested in it. I was looking for a mod of this variety and was very glad to find it.

I was wondering if you had any plans to update this mod to 0.16, or had any plans to expand the mod to include any new content. I was wondering because I am planning to slightly modify your mod for my own personal purposes, and would love to release that as a mod to the public.

If you have no plans to upkeep this mod, please feel free to message me back and I would be glad to keep the mod up-kept for you. In such a scenario, you would be free to remain as the official author of the mod, and I would simply state in the description that all upkeeps are continuations of this mod. Alternatively, you could also donate the mod to me, and I would credit you as the original author.

Alternatively, if you would rather not let me upkeep the mod, I can simply code a separate mod myself and say it's inspired by this mod.

Let me know what your preference is, and I would be glad to work with you. Due to the how often mod devs leave altogether, I will work under the assumption that you are open to the mod being upkept by me (but you remaining the official author) until I hear otherwise from you, and will upload the completed work on the Forums and Mod Portal in one month. You are free to make a decision at any time after this point, and I will work with you to implement the decision you make

have a blessed day, and hope to hear from you soon
Neomore, Advanced Factorio

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