Factchild - Simple Recipes for children

Mod specially made for children to send many rockets into space.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i MaKe A vErSiOn FoR bOb'S mOdS

6 years ago

ThAt WoN't TaKe AnY tImE aT aLl!1!1!1!

No, I'm being serious here.

6 years ago

:D That's a challenge!!! I will play more with bobs to make it!! Thanks for the idea

5 years ago

wants to make the game less punishing for their kids
installs Bobs mods

5 years ago

got me to laugh hard there. thanks.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Don't forget about Angels' mods, expansion for Bobs and Angels, SpaceX, Expanded Rocket Payloads and fix for ERP to use Bobs and Angels... :D
100% kid and beginner friendly mod pack.

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