I think it should be a separate mod. but If you want to make a mod like that you can make a new furnace with a new crafting category "Your_new_crafting_category" add the new crafting category. Also make a function convertFuelValueToFloat(fuelValue)
then you can add new recipes for each item with a burnt_result:
-- Define the function to create recipes for items with burnt results
local function createBurntResultRecipes()
for _, item in pairs(data.raw["item"]) do
-- Check if the item has a burnt result and fuel value
if item.burnt_result and item.fuel_value then
-- Define the recipe name
local recipeName = "get-burnt-" .. item.name
-- Calculate the recipe time based on the fuel value
local fuelValue = convertFuelValueToFloat(item.fuel_value)
local recipeTime = fuelValue -- Assuming 1 fuel value = 1 second
-- Create the recipe
type = "recipe",
name = recipeName,
enabled = true, -- Set to true if you want the recipe to be initially available
energy_required = recipeTime,
ingredients = {
{type = "item", name = item.name, amount = 1}
results = {
{type = "item", name = item.burnt_result, amount = 1}
category = "Your_new_crafting_category" -- Assign to your new crafting category
-- Call the function to create recipes for items with burnt results