
You are stuck on an Island. Escape it

Mod packs
6 months ago

g Fantastic.

7 months ago

I've been thinking about Seatorio recently, and I was going to start a new playthrough but I saw this was uploaded 2 hours ago and immediately got excited.

a little sad that this wasn't named Seatorio2 but I'm 20 minutes in and already I love it.

Fantastic work so far, it looks great and I'm excited to where it goes.

7 months ago

Thanks :)

7 months ago

Also it appears to load and work with Space Exploration. I shall take this bad idea and expand on it with many more bad ideas. (:

I don't expect full compatibility for everything and I wouldn't ask that, but already the lack of conflicts is encouraging. If I find something that SE or something else changes that it shouldn't, I'll report it there and here just so you're aware.

I'm off to make an abomination.

7 months ago

My goal is to have this mod be fully compatible with BZ mods, then SE.

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

So far it's looking like it's also already compatible with the 5 resource mods Planetfall has.

I think the real problem will be when someone tries to load ATOM with this

7 months ago

Hi I'm having trouble creating stone a lot of stone to make backfill and also to make water room you need a lot of wood factory or maybe I misunderstood?
Great job, I'm really having fun :)

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

Any fuel will become ash, but k2 fuel change makes coal have a high fuel value so it is harder to burn. Also the fact that steam engines are self regulated is a downside for this mod. In the latest update It will be easier to get ash from coal, by temporarily make a recipe that can spend up steam. But I am looking for more elegant solution. maybe something like a burner radar

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